Published November 3, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Forming FLT teachers' communicative competence


Based on the knowledge and information which is formed by looking through various researches and opinions by scientists in a critical way, some perspectives are given in this document about what qualities and skills should be owned by EFL teachers through the world. The intercultural communicative competence is considered one of the essential skill to communicate with the people from different culture, especially this is understood when the grammar translation method was substituted by communicative methods, such as, CLT and humanistic approaches [1]. Even though, several researcher were documented as about researching the itercultural competence, most of them approached not properly and didn’t highlight how to improve the intercultural competence and in what ways should the competences are improved or used [2] . According to the results of reviewing the materials, it is concluded that this fields need observing from different aspects, as the researches in the sphere lack and not observed throughly.



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